AGAP fuel cache/airdrop site
Here at our fuel cache/airdrop site on the way back from Ridge A to the South Pole, there is a trail of ten pallets of four drums each, spread out over a few hundred meters. A cleanup crew manually excavated and flagged the drops a couple of days ago - no mean feat when the drums sink below the surface on impact, yet the Air Guard want the cargo nets and parachutes saved intact. In the meantime, it's 450 miles to the South Pole, we've got a full drum of gas, half a pack of Diamox, it's light out 24/7, and we're wearing sunglasses. Sadly, blocked fuel injectors mean that this puppy isn't going anywhere. Just as well we brought our own wings.
AGAP fuel cache/airdrop site
Here at our fuel cache/airdrop site on the way back from Ridge A to the South Pole, there is a trail of ten pallets of four drums each, spread out over a few hundred meters. A cleanup crew manually excavated and flagged the drops a couple of days ago - no mean feat when the drums sink below the surface on impact, yet the Air Guard want the cargo nets and parachutes saved intact. In the meantime, it's 450 miles to the South Pole, we've got a full drum of gas, half a pack of Diamox, it's light out 24/7, and we're wearing sunglasses. Sadly, blocked fuel injectors mean that this puppy isn't going anywhere. Just as well we brought our own wings.